Freedom of Information

(b) notify the third party concerned of the decision.





(2) If, after all reasonable steps have been taken as required by section 32(1),
a third party is not notified or is not aware of a request, any decision whether or not
to grant the request for access must be made with due regard to the fact that the third
party did not have the opportunity to make representations as to why the request should
be refused.
(3) If a request for access is granted, the notification in terms of subsection (1)
(b) must state—
(a) adequate reasons for the grant of the request, including the provisions of
this Act relied upon; and
(b) that the third party may lodge an appeal in terms of Part VI or an application
to court against the decision within seven days of the date of notification
of the decision, and the procedure for lodging the appeal; and
(c) that the applicant will be given access to the record after the expiry of
the period referred to in paragraph (b) unless an appeal or application is
lodged within that period.
(4) If an information officer decides to grant a request for access, the information
officer shall give the applicant access to the information concerned after the expiry of
seven days of the date of the notice referred to in subsection (1)(b) unless an appeal or
an application to court is lodged against the decision within that period.
Appeals to Commission


Right to appeal

(1) An applicant may lodge an appeal to the Commission against any decision
of an information officer in terms of this Act.
(2) A third party may lodge an appeal to the Commission against a decision
of the information officer to grant a request for access to information concerning that
third party’s information.





Procedure on appeal
(1) An appeal shall—
(a) be lodged in the prescribed form and within thirty days of the date of
notification of the decision appealed against; and
(b) be delivered or sent to the Commission; and
(c) identify the subject of the appeal and state the reasons for the appeal and
may include any other relevant information known to the appellant; and
(d) if, in addition to a written response, the appellant wishes to be informed
of the decision on the appeal in any other manner, provide the necessary
details to that effect; and
(e) if applicable, be accompanied by the prescribed fee referred to in subsection (3); and
(f) specify the appellant’s address and phone number.
(2) If—
(a) an appeal is lodged after the expiry of the period referred to in subsection
(1), the Secretary of the Commission may, on good cause shown, allow
the late lodging of the appeal; or

Select target paragraph3