Freedom of Information

(i) to put a public entity at a disadvantage in contractual or other
negotiations: or
(ii) to prejudice a public entity in commercial competition; or
(d) is a computer programme owned by the State or a public entity, except
insofar as it is required to give access to information to which access is
permitted in terms of this Act.
(4) The information referred to in subsection (2)(c)(i) shall, without limiting
the generality of that provision, include information in connection with an agreement
or contemplated agreement to transfer any interest in or right to shares in the capital
of a public entity to any person not being a public entity.
(5) Access to information may not be refused in terms of subsection (3) to the
extent that it consists of information—
(a) already publicly available; or
(b) about or owned by an entity, other than the entity to which the request is
made, which has consented in writing to its disclosure to the applicant
concerned; or
(c) the disclosure of which would facilitate accountability and transparency
of decisions taken by the State or an entity, other than preliminary results
of any tests, research, preparations or other investigations conducted for
the purpose of developing any policy.
(6) If a request for access to information contemplated in subsection (5)(c) is
granted and any testing or other investigation relevant to that information was carried
out by or on behalf of the public entity from which the information is requested, the
information officer must at the same time as access to the information is given, provide
the applicant with a written explanation of the methods used in conducting the testing
or other investigation.





Protection of research information of third party or entity

(1) An information officer may refuse a request for access to information of
the entity if the information relates to any research being or to be carried out by or on
behalf of a third party, the disclosure of which would be likely to expose—
(a) the third party; or
(b) the researcher; or
(c) the subject matter of the research;
to serious disadvantage.
(2) An information officer may refuse a request for access to information of
the entity if the information relates to a research being or to be carried out by or on
behalf of an entity the disclosure of which would be likely to expose—
(a) the entity; or
(b) the researcher; or
(c) the subject matter of the research;
to serious disadvantage.





Operations of public entities

(1) Subject to subsections (3) and (4), an information officer of a public entity,
public commercial entity or holder of a statutory office may refuse a request for access
to information—


Select target paragraph3