

Interest thereon at the rate of 9% per annum from the date of
summons to date of payment.
Costs of suit.
Further and / or alternative relief.”

It is not in dispute that the Respondent is a very powerful woman in the
political scene of Swaziland. She is one of the foremost and very few
women who have risen to power to the extent of acquiring the nationally
acclaimed appellation “Iron Lady.” She wears two hats. She is both the
Senate President as well as Acting Chief of Kontshingila. She can safely
be said to be at the very pinnacle of her profession. She is indeed a force
to be reckoned with.

[10] Also not in dispute is that the Appellants, who comprise of the 1st
Appellant who owns the newspaper that carried the publication, the 2nd
Appellant its Publisher and the 3rd Appellant the Editor and Reporter,
published the article in issue.
[11] Suffice it to say that after a full blown trial, which saw the Respondent
testify and call three (3) other witnesses in support of her case, and the
Appellants also paraded three witnesses in advancement of their defence,
the court a quo per Hlophe J, rendered judgment on 5 December 2013. The
court upheld the Respondent’s claim and awarded her damages in the sum of
E550,000.00 (Five Hundred and Fifty Thousand Emalangeni), interests at
the rate of 9% per annum from date of judgment to date of payment as well
as the costs of suit.


Select target paragraph3