[66] Then, there is the very comprehensive exposition of these principles by
Kelsy Staurts Newspapersman’s Guide to the Law, (5th ed)
Butterworths at page 67, in the following terms:“ (a)

The conduct of the Defendant from the time of publication until
The manner of publication and the area and extent of dissemination.
The character of the defamatory words, their falseness and the malice.
The mark and position of the parties in society and any special
relationship which existed between them.
the persons to whom the defamatory words were published.
The place, time and mode of publication.
The continuance of the circulation of the defamatory words.
The tardiness, inadequacy or absence of apology.
Publication intended or authorized.
The time of publication of the apology and the prominence of its
Whether the defamer first employed the defamatory words or
whether he simply repeated the defamatory words of another.
The character of the person defamed.
The responsibility which the Plaintiff may have to bear for bringing
about the publication of the defamatory matter.
Absence or presence of actual ill-will towards the person defamed on
the part of the defamer.
Any undue delay by the Plaintiff in bringing his action.
Whether the matter published was true, even if it was not published
for the benefit of the public.
Any prolonged or obstinate failure by the defamer to do anything to
assuage the hurt of the person defamed.
Whether the attack injured the defamed person in the way of his
business or profession.
A decrease in the value of money.
The fact that the Defendant in conducting his defence (e.g. did he seek
to attack the Plaintiff’s character; did he dispute his evidence unduly
or did he seek to discredit his witness?)."

See Sikelela Dlamini v The Editor of the Nation Magazine and Another,
Civil Case No. 2534/2007.

[67] In awarding the sum of E550,000 as damages to the Respondent, the court a
quo held as follows in paragraphs [56] – [66] of the assailed decision:39

Select target paragraph3