[42] Having stated as above, and without the danger of sounding repetitive, it is
imperative that I stress the unreasonableness of the publication in support of
the findings of the court a quo.

[43] I agree entirely that this is a case that required a proper investigation in view
of the sketchy and unreliable source of the information, as well as the
shocking impact of the publication on the dignity and esteem of the
Respondent, who is not just the Senate President, but also, the Acting Chief
of Kontshingila. The Appellants’ themselves acknowledged the shocking
impact of the publication in several portions of the impugned publication
where they stated as follows:- “Mr Mahlangu’s shocker


revelation by Mahlangu will definetly come as shocking news to
Kontshingila residents, where Gelane is Acting Chief. The area is
dominated by the Simelane clan that has been ruled by Gelane for a
long time as chief albeit on acting basis”; “Mbabane – Gelane is my
daughter. The quote sounds innocent but when you take a closer look at
it you will realize that it has the potential of changing the fortunes (for
the worst) of one of the country (sic) iron ladies, Senate President
Gelane Zwane” and “If Ambrose Mahlangu’s shocking revelation is
anything to go by, then Senate President Gelane Zwane is not the
rightful person to act or be appointed as Chief of Kontshingila.”

[44] Then there is the article of 16 May 2009, which I tag the Appellants’ “false
bravado” where they informed the whole nation that the impact or result of
their article of 9 May 2009 was that the residents of Kontshingila had taken
steps to enforce changes resulting in the removal of Gelane as the Acting
Chief of the area. Having by their own showing demonstrated the

Select target paragraph3