attributed to the words used only by the hearing having knowledge of
special circumstances.” (emphasis added)

[27] The foregoing on the applicable test of a reasonable person, is buttressed by
the pronouncement of the court in Sankie Mthembu - Mahanyele v Mail
and Guardian and Another (Supra), where the court stated as follows:“[26]

One must have regard also, however, to what the ordinary reader of
a particular publication would understand from the words
complained of. A clear statement of this principle is to be found in
Channing v South African Financial Gazette Ltd a passage relied
on by Joffe J in the court below. In Channing, Colam J said, with
reference to the locus Classicus in point, Johnson v Rand Daily
Mails Ltd.
‘From these and other authorities it emerges that the ordinary
reader is a “reasonable” “right – thinking” person of average
education and normal intelligence; he is not a man of “morbid
and suspicious mind” / nor is he “super-critical “ or
abnormally sensitive, and he must be assumed to have read the
articles as articles in newspapers are usually read. For that
assumption authority is to be found in Basner v Trigger 1945 –
AD 22 at pp 35 – 6--- But this , I think is clear one may not
impute to him for the purposes of this inquiry, the training or
the habits of mind of a lawyer.’”

[28] It is beyond contradiction, that the foregoing article was intended to impress
in the mind of the ordinary reasonable and intelligent man on the streets of
Swaziland, that the Respondent fully knowing that she is not a Simelane but
a Mahlangu, falsely concealed her true identity, and deceived the whole
Kingdom that she is a Simelane, in furtherance of her ambition and political
gains of becoming and retaining the position of Acting Chief of
Kontshingila, which is in fact not her birthright. This is so when judged
against the background fact that (1) Respondent’s position as Acting Chief
stems from her birthright as a Simelane, (a fact which is well known in
Swaziland), (2) yet the foregoing article proclaimed that the Respondent is

Select target paragraph3