Next to the bold Headlines referred to above is a photograph allegedly
belonging to the person who claims to have fathered the Plaintiff, one
Ambrose Mahlangu, who looks old and frail.

At page 2 of the Newspaper concerned there are three articles on the
same story which bear the following titles or headings:•


My daughter deserted me – Father.
----this means Gelane could be acting illegally.

Under the first title or heading on page 2 referred to above, which
from the boldness of the print as distinguished from the other two,
suggests it is the main story, there is written the following paragraph
in big eye – catching words as an extract from the story:“----the revelation by Mahlangu will definitely come as
shocking news to Kontshingila residents, where Gelane is
Acting Chief. The area is dominated by the Simelane clan that
has been ruled by Gelane for a long time as chief albeit on an
acting basis.


The opening sentences of the article, which I have referred to as the
main one, reads as follows:- “Mbabane - Gelane is my daughter. The
quote sounds innocent but when you take a closer look at it you will
realize that it has the potential of changing the fortunes (for the
worst) of one of the country (sic) iron ladies, Senate President Gelane


In the article titled “My daughter deserted me – Father”. It is stated
that, “Gelane knows her real father is out there and where he is
employed but has decided to stay away from him.”


The article titled “---- this means Gelane could be acting illegally,”
has the following opening words stated:‘If Ambrose Mahlangu’s shocking revelation is anything to go
by, then Senate President Gelane Zwane is not the rightful
person to act or be appointed as chief of Kontshingila.”


A reference was also made to certain allegations attributed to the
Former and Late Ludzidzini Governor Jim Gama to the following
effect:- “the area should be under the guidance of a person originally
born as a Simelane.”


Select target paragraph3