A mutually complimentary engagement between the media and the public is in the area of
raising awareness, and peoples rights as regards information being disseminated by media.
For example the public should be sensitized on the issue of airwaves as a national resource
and the public’s right to scrutinize its utilization.
Lobby groups can engage media owners to enhance the diverse roles of the media in society.
Civil Society

The Civil Society can partner with mass media in changing attitudes of both media and
public, as well as conduct lobby activities for media.
Civil Society can bring in technical expertise for various sub-sectors for policy reforms.
The civil society can also lobby for example with parliamentarians, to bring about
awareness on such issues as freedom of information.

Specialized groups
The rise of specialized groups on issues like environment, health, youth, women etc. bring to
the fore partnerships that highlights critical issues of the day.
1. The first two meetings of AMB-Kenya (2005 and 2007) have served as a catalyst and
challenge for more activities.
The panel members will form an independent consultative group to engage mainstream
lobby groups on salient issues affecting the media, and advocacy concerns.
2. In line with No. 1 (above) members of the panel will start organizing a forum for
exchange of ideas.
Action: Priscilla Nyokabi to organize the first meeting.
3. The Panel will liaise with FES and other organizations in promoting awareness on media
issues. It was noted that FES has been organizing public talks on media matters in
Nairobi. However these forums should also move out of Nairobi and to the grassroots.
Action: Grace Githaiga to discuss the matter with FES.
4. The results of the AMB- Kenya 2005 and 2007 should be published and widely
publicized as a benchmark for media performance.
Action: Grace Githaiga to discuss with FES to facilitate the forum for this purpose.


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