Sector 4.

The media practice high levels of professional standards

4.1 The media follow voluntary codes of professional standards which are
enforced by self-regulatory bodies.
The media code of professional standards has been issued by the Media Council of Kenya
(MCK). It is derived from some international standards like those issued by UNESCO. There
is a bill that seeks to work towards statutory media self –regulation in applying the code of
professional standards.
The MCK code of professional standards is used mainly by the mainstream media and
training institutions. In house codes of professional standards also exist in some media
houses, although they are selectively applied to staff for example implementation in news
The MCK is functional and receives grievances arising from the code of professional
standards. As MCK’s arbitration function is voluntary, there is a greater challenge to editorial
managers to enforce the codes. The sensitization of the code needs to be done.
Individual scores:

4, 3, 2, 4, 4, 4, 2, 4

Average score:



4.2 The standard of reporting follows the basic principles of accuracy and
Accuracy involves verification of facts. This at times is constrained by the demands of speed
and deadlines. However consistent inaccuracies demonstrate professional incompetence.
Editorial practice conforms to the editorial policy of news organizations. News organizations
also define news. The entire news chain from reporters to editors must be committed to
fairness and provide information without deliberate attempt to be one-sided. There should be
effort to hear the other side of a story. Genuine mistakes can be quickly and prominently
redressed. The mass media do not always follow these principles.


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