to the President by the Anti-Corruption
Commission chief, informing him of an
investigation on one of his advisors.

…government continued to threaten closure of online media
as most were deemed
to be critical of government.
Broadcasting digital migration
partially achieved
During the period, Zambia managed
to partially meet the digital migration
deadline and successfully migrated on
17 June in line with the International
Telecommunications Union’s deadline.
Government opted for a three-phased
approach to migration for fear that other
citizens, especially in rural areas would
be disadvantaged. Government signed
a contract with Chinese firm Star Technologies of over US$273 million for the
second and third phase of digital migration. The partial migration has taken
place under Phase 1. In this phase, only
towns along the line of rail were able
to migrate to digital broadcasting by
the deadline of 31st December, 2015
while those in the remaining areas of
the country continued to receive the
analogue signal. Phase 2 will cover all
provincial centres while the rest of the
country will migrate under phase three.


So This is Democracy? 2015

Evidently, government’s decision to
derogate from the digital migration
policy presented dire consequences
as certain conflicts and inadequacies
were observed with some players opting to use their own route through satellite broadcasting, while the levels of
public awareness on digital migration
remained staggeringly low and the level
of preparedness equally saddening.
The government waived duties on certain equipment in a bid to boost the
digital migration process, thereby cushioning some costs to be incurred by
broadcasting companies.
The operationalisation of the Independent Broadcasting Authority presented a
level of independence in the allocation
of frequencies and broadcasting licences. It is hoped that there will be steps
made to transform the authority into a
truly autonomous body through curtailing the ‘direct’ appointment of board
members by the minister of information,
to include a more open, independent
process as originally envisaged in the
IBA Act.

Electronic Media Statistics:

Full broadcast





Test transmission 7





Select target paragraph3