Tanzania 2015 violations & victories

The government banned a
regional newspaper The East
African, claiming that it had not
been properly registered in the
country, yet the paper has been
in circulation in Tanzania and the
region for more than 2 decades.
It was allowed back on the
newsstands a few months later.


Zanzibar based Coconut FM
was raided by 20 masked men
who said they were looking Ali
Mohamed Abdulrahman - a radio
host at the station. Abdulrahman
hosted a special programme that
had discussed the voter registration
exercise in Zanzibar during which
it was alleged that a group of
masked men were intimidating
people who were registering. It was
alleged that the masked men were
seen being ferried to registration
centres in police vehicles. MISA
Tanzania was told that the radio
station suspended the journalist
for five months and stopped airing
political programmes.
In a separate incident, Omar Ali,
who is a freelance journalist, was
brutally attacked by unknown assailants and his legs were broken.
Omar’s attack was associated with
his coverage of the voter registration exercise and the perpetrators
were alleged to be state agents.

July 25

Mbeya based community radio
station Kyela FM aired a special
programme featuring for a member
of the parliament belonging to the
Chama Cha Mapinduzi party who
is also the CEO of the radio. Soon
after the programme was aired,
the Tanzania Communication
confronted the radio station
and requested an audio copy of
programme and warned that they
would suspend the radio station.

August 3

The Tanzania Communication
Regulatory Authority (TCRA) team
delivered a letter to Kyela FM
which announced the suspension
of the radio station. The radio
station manager refused to provide
his signature to indicate receipt
of the letter. The TCRA team went
ahead and closed down the radio
The management of Kyela FM feel
the radio was suspended following
pressure from Minister Mwakyembe who was also contesting
candidacy as MP for the CCM.
The TCRA team alleged that they
suspended the station for operating without a license and a radio
transmitter that was found inside
the station instead of outside as
per regulations.

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