shop was attended by a majority of the
committee members including chairperson, MP Patrick Motsa. Principal Secretary in the ICT Ministry, Sikelela Dlamini
and Director for Information and Media
Development, Phesheya Dube, were
also in attendance. The Portfolio Committee pledged full support to MISA’s ATI

Division across lines
of location - privately
owned media and
state controlled media
– has made it difficult
to bring journalists
together and this has
left them vulnerable to
exploitation by media

ed division among media practitioners.
Division across lines of location - privately owned media and state controlled media – has made it difficult to
bring journalists together and this has
left them vulnerable to exploitation by
media owners. With the exception of
the Swazi Observer and Swaziland Television Association (STVA), all other
media houses are preventing their staff
to join a workers union. The Swaziland
National Association of Journalists and
the Media Workers Union of Swaziland
have protested the fact that media houses are disregarding the provision of this
fundamental right as contained in the
Constitution and the Industrial Relations
This has discouraged media organisations from calling a meeting for their
members and prospective members to
discuss issues affecting their lives in the
Whilst awaiting the enactment of the
Swaziland Broadcasting Bill into law,
SMN had mounted a community broadcasting campaign aimed at raising

Community Broadcasting

Developments in the media
Swaziland’s media has grappled in
uniting collectively around issues that
impact on the sector and efforts to revitalise and strengthen the Swaziland National Association of Journalists (SNAJ)
and Media Union of Swaziland (MWUS)
continued to be frustrated by deep-root-

In November 2015, the Swaziland Community Radio Network (SRCN) was relaunched as the Swaziland Multimedia
Network (SMN). This is an amalgamation of the six communities interested
in establishing their own local radio stations. During a courtesy visit, the SMN,
with the support of MISA Swaziland
raised concerns with the ICT Minister
Dumisani Ndlangamandla over the slow
pace in the implementation of the Swaziland Broadcasting Bill which has provisions allowing for a three tier broad-

So This is Democracy? 2015


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