of expression and access to information
are fundamental pillars of sustainable development and a cross-cutting means of
supporting the agenda’s implementation.
Thus, the SDGs recognise that access to
information is not a development outcome, it is a development catalyst.
On our part, and through our role in the
African Platform on Access to Information
(APAI) campaign, we will make every
effort to give life to the principles of the
APAI Declaration. The Declaration speaks
to the central role that access to information plays in furthering a number of rights
including gender equality, health and
education, which are all crucial to development.
A victory for all citizens
On Tuesday, November 17, 2015 the 38th
General Conference of UNESCO adopted
a resolution declaring September 28th
International Day for Universal Access
to Information. The resolution was the
outcome of sustained campaigning by a
global community of access to information advocates, spearheaded by the members of the Working Group of the APAI.
As stipulated by the APAI Declaration:
“... access to information (ATI) is the right
of all natural and legal persons, which
consists of the right to seek, access and
receive information from public bodies
and private bodies performing a public
function and the duty of the State to prove
such information”.
MISA heeds the call of the Chairperson of
the African Commission on Human and
Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR) and its Special
Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression
and Access to Information, Advocate
Pansy Tlakula, to lobby the African Union
(AU) to endorse this declaration. Indeed,
it would be a fitting commemoration of
2016 as the Year for Human Rights.


So This is Democracy? 2015

Enjoy the read!
Zoé Titus
Regional Director

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