president of the Higher Communications Council considered the trial “unwise and unnecessary,” as it was a “clear
sign of violation of freedom of expression.”
On this occasion, civil society in Mozambique organised a debate on 25 August 2015, in repudiation of their trial.
The debate was organised in conjunction with the IREX Programme for the
Strengthening of the Media, IBIS and
The charges brought by the public prosecutor seriously violated the rights of
freedom of expression and of the press
set out in Article No. 48 of the Constitution. Convicting economist Carlos Nuno
Castel-Branco, and journalists Fernando
Mbanze and Fernando Veloso could be
seen as political and legal intimidation
aimed against freedom of expression
and of speech. The article written by
economist Nuno Castel-Branco expresses only his opinion, without any association to any institution to which he is
connected. Since this is a case involving a former Head of State, convicting
the economist, as the author of a crime
against state security, would in essence
be state condemnation of an offence
arising from an opinion, a crime not
foreseen in the Mozambican legal and
constitutional system.
would have a serious impact and repercussions on the exercise of freedom
of expression and of the press in Mozambique, as well as on the practice of
open public debate on crucial issues of
national political life, producing the socalled political-legal chilling effect on
freedom of expression and of speech.

Migration from analogue to
The digital migration process in Mozambique took its first steps on November 7,
2010, with the adoption by the Council
of Ministers of the DVB-T2 technology
standard and the subsequent creation
of the National Digital Migration Commission, COMID, which, among other
things was responsible for drafting the
National Strategy for the Migration from
Analogue to Digital Broadcasting.

Until today Mozambique does not have
a legal framework that
regulates broadcasting.
From 2011 until the end of 2013, COMID established the premises for the
implementation of the digital migration
process in Mozambique, especially the
holding of workshops for the Dissemination of the Digital Migration Strategy
in the capitals of all provinces, negotiations with StarTimes Software Technology Co. of China to finance the construction of the digital network and the
creation of the Transport, Multiplexing
and Transmission company, TMT, an organisation created by the public companies Televisão de Moçambique (TVM),
Rádio Moçambique (RM) and Telecomunicações de Moçambique (TDM).
The implementation of this network is
an alternative to the network project
that will be built by StarTimes Software


So This is Democracy? 2015

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