rika Radio, Mafeteng Community Radio,
Motjoli FM, People’s Choice FM, Radio
Lesotho, Radio Spez Nostra, ThaahaKhube FM, Ts’enolo FM and Ultimate
Radio. Some of these radio stations were
blatantly biased in favour of either the
All Basotho Congress (ABC) and the Basotho National Party (BNP), on the one
hand, or the Lesotho Congress for Democracy (LCD) and the main opposition
Democratic Congress (DC).

Defamation cases
Several newspapers are facing defamation cases in the courts of law with complainants demanding huge amounts of
money (over US$300,000.00). In some
cases some radio stations have appeared
before the BroadCasting Dispute Resolution Panel.
All the Panel’s resolved disputes were
accepted with one exception – the
complaint against Mafeteng Community Radio Station. The radio station has
filed a case in the courts of law in Maseru requesting the court to put aside
the Panel’s ruling that the acting station
manager be suspended from air and undergo training until he was seen capable
of handling radio programmes well.

Two radio journalists, Motsamai Talla
and Puseletso Ramokhethi fled the
country after allegedly receiving threats
from members of the Lesotho Defence
Force. A month later Marafaela Mohloboli also left Lesotho after police pressured her to reveal her sources. She was
also accused of allegedly leaking records of her conversation with Assistant
Commissioner of Police, Ezekiel Senti.
A few weeks before the General Election a journalist from MoAfrika FM,
David Mtakha was assaulted during an


So This is Democracy? 2015

All Basotho Convention rally in Maseru,
Lesotho, on 1 February.

During the elections,
online media platforms
proved to be the
preferred choice for
political conversations
and for the first time,
politicians and political
parties also became
active on Facebook.
This is when threats
to internet freedom
Progress towards broadcasting
The commercial radio sector grew with
the introduction of eleven new stations
in 2015. A fourth community radio station was also added when the community of Butha-Butha district in northern
Lesotho launched of their community
radio station, Moeling FM on May 3,
World Press Freedom Day. Moeling FM
is the country’s fourth community radio
after Motjoli FM (Thaba-Tseka Community Radio), Mafeteng Community Radio
and DoPE FM of the National University
of Lesotho.

Select target paragraph3