May 22

DCEC raid offices of the
Botswana Gazette
Corruption watchdog, the Directorate on Corruption and Economic
Crime (DCEC) raided the offices of
the Botswana Gazette using Section 44 of the DCEC Act of 1994.
This section prohibits anyone from
sharing or publishing information
on a matter that the DCEC is investigating.
This section is part of the thirty
two provisions that MISA Botswana has identified as contravening
section 12(1) of the Constitution of
the Republic of Botswana granting
freedom of expression.

July 7

Member of Parliament forcefully
removed from the Chamber
Gaborone Central Member of Parliament, Dr Phenyo Butale was
forcefully removed from the chamber by security agents. According
to a press release issued by government Dr Butale was accused of
failing to obey the Deputy Speaker’s (Kagiso Molathegi) orders to
leave the House and so security
agents were ordered to remove
him from the chamber.
The Gaborone Central MP had
asked the house to set aside its
business of the day and debate
his urgent motion on the electricity and water crises bedevilling
the country. The Deputy Speaker
did not allow him to continue and
instead informed the House that
Honourable Ditlhapelo Keorapetse intended asking a question on
the matter.
Pictures showing the agents carrying Dr Butale and eventually leaving him on the ground circulated
on both print and social media.

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