failed to become operation is because
the Law Society of Botswana has refused
to recommend and appoint a lawyer.
As soon as Dr Butale realised the amendment of Section would undoubtedly facilitate the establishment of the Appeals
Committee to oversee and regulate the
media, he withdrew his motion.

Broadcasting Digital Migration
After months of assuring the public that
Botswana’s digital migration process
was on schedule and would take place
in June 2015, the deputy permanent
secretary for Information and Broadcasting Services, Mr Mogomotsi Kaboeamodimo said government had set March
2016 as the new deadline for migration
from analogue to Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT).
The digital migration process has been
marred by controversy, when it was
revealed that Botswana had opted for
the Japanese standard for digital terrestrial television instead of the European
standard favoured by many of the countries in the region. Botswana opted for
Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting
Terrestrial (ISDB-T) standard for digital
broadcasts, rather than the second generation of the Digital Video Broadcasting
Terrestrial (DVB-T2) standard adopted
by other countries.2
The South African Digital Broadcasting
Association warned Botswana that it’s
choice of the Japanese top set boxes
isolate it in the region.

An independent research study carried
out by Stellenbosch University showed
that the DVB-T2 is “far superior” to
other digital standards as it delivers 50%
more capacity than the ISDB-T (that Botswana has opted for) and is unrivalled in
its flexibility and features by first-generation standards.”3
The purchase of the Japanese top set
boxes will impact on citizens in terms
of unnecessary costs in upgrades to a
newer technology and reduces the benefits of transition from analog to digital.
Since the Japanese model is not readily

Mmegi Newspaper Website
A website belonging to the largest and
only private daily newspaper, Mmegi
was hacked and deleted in early January. Ten days later the website was
hacked again and 12 years of archive
material was deleted.
According to a Mail and Guardian report, Editor, Ntibinyane Ntibinyane told
the Mail and Guardian at the time “that
Mmegi’s website is one of the most
secure in Botswana and that what happened clearly shows that the hackers
used sophisticated technology”.
3 Tech Central Botswana TV move draws fire

2 To enjoy the benefits of digitisation, a black box
decoder known as a set top box is required to convert the digital signal to an analogue signal which
is fed into a TV set to convert the signal to pictures
for viewing.

So This is Democracy? 2015


Select target paragraph3