The activists should
never have been
detained in the first
place. Their continued
detention is a sign
of how far Angolan
authorities will go to
suppress dissent.
In December 2015, Anacleto Ngala
Mbiquila, Tempo’s secretary, was arrested. The reasons for his arrest are
unknown. In February 2016 Lawyers
for Lawyers called on the authorities to
drop the charges against Arão Bula Tempo if they had been brought against him
solely because of his human rights work
and his exercise of his right to freedom
of expression.
Despite worldwide condemnation, the
group of 17 were sentenced in March
2016, with sentences ranging from two
years to eight-years-and six-months for
“rebellion against the president of the
republic, criminal association and falsifying documents”. Activist Domingos da
Cruz, singled-out as the group’s ‘leader’,
was given an eight-and-a-half year sentence for planning a coup and for criminal association.


So This is Democracy? 2015

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