No-one should be held liable for content on the
Internet of which they are not the author. To the extent that intermediaries operate self-regulatory systems, and/or make judgement calls on content and
privacy issues, all such decisions should be made
taking into account the need to protect expression
that is legitimate under the principles provided for
under international human rights standards, including the Manila Principles on Intermediary Liability.
Processes developed by intermediaries should be
transparent and include provisions for appeals.

this legislation fully complies with international
standards. In particular, criminal defamation, sedition and speech related offences should be abolished, including their application on the Internet.

States have a positive obligation to take steps to
prevent violent attacks against anyone on their territory. These obligations take on a particular importance when individuals are attacked for exercising
their right to freedom of expression online. States
must create a favourable environment for participation in public debate by all the persons concerned,
enabling them to express their opinions and ideas
without fear. When an attack takes place, states
must launch an independent, speedy and effective
investigation in order to bring both the perpetrators
and the instigators to justice. They must also ensure
that victims can obtain appropriate and holistic
remedies for what they have suffered.

• Right to information

Journalists, media workers and other communicators who contribute to shaping public debate and
public opinion on the Internet should be recognised
as actors who enable the formation of opinions,
ideas, decision-making and democracy. Attacks on
all who engage in journalistic activities as a result of
their work constitute attacks on the right to freedom
of expression. In addition, guidelines for the protection of those who gather and disseminate information to the public, including journalists, women’s
rights and human rights defenders, should be put in
place to ensure their safety. Such guidelines should
be formulated with a view to harmonising legislative frameworks, practice, applicable regional and
international standards, and law-enforcement processes at national level.
Actions should be initiated or intensified to implement such guidelines and best practices through appropriate efforts by states and other actors, including through regional cooperation, and the provision
of technical assistance programmes and activities.
States should review and reform their legislation
related to freedom of expression online and ensure

Rights of all to engage in individual or collective
expression of oppositional, dissenting, reactive or
responsive views, values or interests through the Internet should be respected. Everyone should have a
right to use the Internet as a tool and/or platform for
a protest action.

The Internet offers new opportunities to access information, and for governments to communicate
with people, through the use of open data. Open
data and new forms of online consultation can empower people to take a more active part in public
Data and information held by governments should
be made publicly accessible, including being released proactively and routinely, except where legitimate grounds for restricting access comply with
the rule of law, including relevant freedom of information legislation.
Public authorities and private bodies which perform
public functions, provide public services or utilise
public funds have a duty to collect and maintain
information on their operations and activities on
behalf of their population. They also have an obligation to respect minimum standards in relation to
the management of this information to ensure that
it may easily be made accessible to all. States and
relevant non-state actors should demonstrate good
practices in the management of data. The use and
re-use of government-held data and information
should be available free of charge wherever practical. If not, pricing should be transparent, reasonable, the same for all users, and not designed as a
barrier to the use or re-use of the data.
Copyrighted materials held by public bodies should
be licensed for re-use in accordance with relevant
access to information laws and licensing frameworks.
The existing obligation on public bodies to share
all information produced with the support of public
funds, subject only to clearly defined rules set out

Select target paragraph3