About MISA
Making southern Africa a more
conducive environment for media
Over the past 21 years, the Media Institute
of Southern Africa (MISA) has been the
primary advocate for media freedom
and freedom of expression in southern
Africa, issuing alerts on media freedom
violations, condemnations of killings,
assaults, criminal charges and other
forms of unjustified attacks on journalists,
including restrictions on access to
The research and analysis that makes up So
This Is Democracy? is based on this daily
monitoring and other research gathered
in the 11 Southern Africa Development
Community (SADC) countries where
MISA operates through Chapter offices.
MISA’s work focuses on making
sustainable, lasting changes to the
media landscape in the southern Africa
region that will make our countries
safer places for journalists to work and
more conducive for media freedom and
freedom of expression.
MISA’s activities and programmes include:
• Advocating for changes to restrictive
• Advocating for development of
positive legislation, such as access to
information laws;
• Publishing media violation alerts;
• Researching and publishing reports
on media violations and the state of
the media environment in southern
African countries; and
• Training, workshops and publications.

How to report a media freedom
violation or victory
What to report:

Journalists and Free Expression activists
who are:
• Assaulted;
• Arrested;
• Censored;
• Denied credentials;
• Harassed;
• Kidnapped;
• Killed;
• Missing;
• Threatened;
• Wrongfully expelled;
• Wounded; and/or
• Wrongfully sued for libel or defamation.
News organisations that are:
• Attacked or illegally searched;
• Censored;
• Closed by force;
• Raided, where editions are confiscated or transmissions are jammed or
have materials confiscated or damaged; and / or
• Wrongfully sued for libel or defamation.
What to include in your report:
To complete an accurate and relevant
alert, please provide:
• The names of the journalists and
news organisations involved;
• The date and circumstances of the
incident; and
• Detailed background information.
Send your report to info@misa.org or call
us on +264 61 232975.

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