In a breath of fresh air from inconclusive cases, on 11th June, 2019 The News Diggers Newspaper
publication carried a headline, “Court acquits News Diggers, Editor, Reporter in Chanoda Case” The
paper reported that:
Lusaka Magistrate, Nthandose Chabala has acquitted News Diggers! editor-in-chief Joseph
Mwenda and reporter Zondiwe Mbewe, in a matter where PF cadre Chanoda Ngwira had dragged
them to court for allegedly defaming Housing and Infrastructure Minister Ronald Chitotela and
misrepresenting facts in a court matter.
The paper reported that:
This was after Ngwira told the court that he had decided to discontinue the case by way of
When the matter came up for possible plea, Tuesday, Chanoda informed the court that he had decided
to withdraw the matter “in a spirit of reconciliation”.
“I would like to inform the court that after giving this matter a thought and in a spirit of
reconciliation, I have henceforth decided that the matter be discontinued by way of a withdrawal,”
said Chanoda.
In the ruling magistrate Chabala granted the application and acquitted the accused persons. The paper
reported that:
“After hearing from both counsel and the complainant, I thereby grant the application. In
accordance with Section 201 of the Criminal Procedure Code, I therefore acquit the accused
persons,” ruled magistrate Chabala.
According to the indictment, particulars of the offence were that on dates unknown but some time on or
around 21st and 23rd of March 2019, Zondiwe Mbewe, Joseph Mwenda and News Diggers did cause to be
published an article titled “China Habour sent $299,985 to Chitotela’s lawyers, $140,000 went to Lungu C
– FNB tells court” while proceedings involving the case of The People Vs Ronald Chitotela and four others
were on-going and active before Honourable Simusamba.

4.2.3. Censored
The quarter under review witnessed a number of cases of censorship involving social media. For example,
on 4th May, 2019 The Mast Newspaper Publication carried a headline, “PF putting up social media
monitoring team to end abuse.” The paper reported that:


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