Hamoonga said journalists must understand police operations such as where to position themselves between
the police and protestors as this had the risk of getting journalists at risk of being affected when police use
minimum force. He said the police had certain methods of crowd control such as the discharge of teargas,
which could affect journalists. Mr. Hamonga advised the media not to take matters such as harassment
lightly when they are found in such circumstances. He said the police had the duty to fight crime using the
laws of Zambia, adding that reporters must understand police work even when covering events involving
very important persons such as the President.
The warning by the Police came after Power FM withdrew its case against the cadres. The News Diggers!
on 16th May, 2019, carried a heading “Kabwe Court Discharges PF Thugs As Power FM Withdraws Case”
the newspaper reported that:
“The Kabwe Magistrates’ Court has discharged Patriotic Front (PF) Kabwe District Chairperson
Richard Bango and seven other cadres, among them two councilors, of criminal trespass and conduct
likely to cause the breach of peace. This was following a request from the Power FM management
to discontinue the case “in the spirit of oneness and forgiveness”.
The newspaper explained that this was in a matter in which Richard Bango, Humphrey Mukuka, Lackson
Mafoko and five others were jointly charged with criminal trespass, contrary to Section 306 (a) Chapter 87
of the laws of Zambia and conduct likely to cause breach of peace in a public place, contrary to Section
178 (f) of the Penal Code, Cap 87 of the laws of Zambia. However, when the matter came up for trial before
magistrate Sibaleya Chikuba, the eight (8) PF members pleaded not guilty to the two counts of criminal
trespass and conduct likely to cause the breach of peace arising from an incident on the 30 of April 2019
where PF cadres invaded Power FM studio and stopped an on-going programme where National
Democratic Congress (NDC) leader, Chishimba Kambwili was a guest and damaged studio equipment in
the process.
In a twist, when Power FM station Manager, David Mutumwenu was called to the stand, he informed the
court that he was discontinuing the case because he had forgiven the defendants and that as family men, the
accused had people that depended on them. Mutumwenu also said he was following the example of Radio
Maria Zambia in Chipata where the radio station withdrew the case in the spirit of oneness and forgiveness.
In the case of radio Maria, a horde of PF cadres led by Eastern Province treasurer Zephaniah Mwale stormed
Radio Maria Zambia in Chipata District, threatening to burn down the station for featuring Maxon Nkhoma,
a governance activist and supporter of aspiring Provincial Chairman Elias Banda. The cadres also issued
death threats against Radio Maria Zambia news editor Tobias Daka and anchor of the programme which
featured Nkhoma, urging the duo to find personal security to accompany them whenever they live their


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