Meanwhile, while the impasse between MOAZ and TopStar raged on, in June Cabinet approved a bill to
regulate the use of CCTV. This was reported in Daily Nation of 18th June, under a heading “Cabinet
approves Bill to regulate CCTV use” the paper reported that the Bill was meant to regulate the use of CCTV
in private and public premises to enhance security in the country.
According to the Chief Government Spokesperson, Ms. Dora Siliya, the Bill was meant to close the gap in
CCTV use which before the introduction of the Bill did not provide any legal framework to regulate the
use of CCTV in Zambia.

4.2. Legal and Political Environment
4.2.1 Attacks
The state of the media in the second quarter of 2019, was dominated by reports of attacks by cadres
on journalists from Power FM and Radio Maria Zambia in Kabwe and Chipata respectively.
On 1st May,2019, the Lusaka Times online Publication reported that:
The Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) has condemned the harassment, violence and damage
to property that occurred at Power FM Radio in Kabwe, during the ‘Power to the people’ programme
that featured Dr. Chishimba Kambwili on Tuesday 30th April, 2019 and also the reported attacks
and harassment of Journalists at Radio Maria Zambia of Chipata on Wednesday 1st May, 2019 after
a political programme. The Authority has urged all political party sympathisers to follow the laid
down procedures of registering their grievances about any broadcast material they find aggrieving
as opposed to engaging in violence.
The sentiments by IBA were a response to the attack on Power FM reported in the Lusaka Times
publication. The publication on 30th April, 2019 reported that:
Unruly PF cadres comprising mostly youths have attacked NDC President Chishimba Kambwili
during a live radio programme on Power FM in Kabwe. The cadres stormed the studio and disrupted
Dr Kambwili’s interview. The cadres stormed the studio around 10:00hrs just when Dr Kambwili
was making his concluding remarks. They forced their way into the studio by breaking the door,
demanding that the programme be stopped immediately. A fracas ensued between the cadres and the
NDC team leading to some radio station property getting vandalized.
The harassment of Dr. Chishimba Kambwili was condemned by many sections of society. For example,
the Patriotic Front (PF) party expressed concern on the interruption of the programme. According to the


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