Journalists argue that they do not deliberately marginalise women or their issues.
“A good reporter does not look at the face of his or her source,” said a panellist.
“What is available is what you use. Who is available is who you interview.”
Fewer women also rise to important positions in newsrooms, even though most
of the brightest students from journalism schools and faculties are usually young
women. Getting ahead, it seems, “is not about brains but access and networks”.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

3.2 (2008: N/A; 2011:2.3)

2.8 All media fairly represent the voices of society and
its minorities in its ethnic, linguistic, religious diversity.
Hope Dey (there is hope), a Treasure FM (an FRCN Station in Port Harcourt, Rivers
State) program run by a handicapped host to discuss issues affecting people with
disabilities, has struggled to stay on air. Its producers have repeatedly come under
pressure to take down the show because of lack of sponsorship. Yet, it has
managed to survive, giving people with disabilities a weekly platform to highlight
their plight.
The story of Hope Dey reflects the mixed fortunes of minority groups in the
Nigerian media. While some groups have managed to occupy large spaces in the
media, thanks to political, economic, ethnic and religious prominence, others who
lack the right combination of such factors are simply shut out. Some subjects, like
girl rights, living with HIV/AIDS, child labour, receive only marginal media interest.
Part of the problem is the sheer number of minority groups in the country. Nigeria
is believed to have more than 300 ethnic groups and local languages and media
tend to focus on languages with the broadest reach. Rivers State, for example,
has more than 18 dominant languages but only three are used in broadcasts on
state-run radio outlets, since most people understand those three.



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