monopoly policy, seeking to avoid the concentration of information bodies.” In
its turn, the CRM, acknowledges, in its Article 97, the urgency of the private
In the context of the media, it is time to clarify some ambiguity which exisits around
the concept of monopoly and multi-media group, when confronted, since the
monopoly represents a single operator system in a specific area (a situation which
does not exist in Mozambique) and, in its turn, a multi-media group representing
companies which combine and operate various platforms, from Radio, Television
and Newspapers, which is the case with the SOICo Group. In terms of the
monopoly, there is much which has proved that diversity is not synonymous with
pluralism which, considering the media as one of the cornerstones of democracy,
is not insignificant.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

4.7 (2005 = 1.0; 2007 = 2.5; 		
2009 = 1.4; 2011 = 1.1)

2.6 Government promotes a diverse media landscape
with economically sustainable and independent media
We have two main aspectss in competition, namely political and legal. Comparing
the legal framework and the public policies which are relevant to the sector, it can
be seen that there are some incentives, albeit modest.
The lack of a Law on Public Announcements is somewhat problematic. The media
are seeking sustainability in publication; the State is one of the largest advertisers
in Mozambique; but, without a law to regulate public advertising, some may
easily benefit to the detriment of others. Usually, public advertisements are aimed
at the newspaper with the widest circulation, but there is no independent auditor
for the figures of newspaper circulation, which highlights the ambiguity in the
process of placing State advertisements in newspapers.



Select target paragraph3