1.10 Civil society in general and media lobby groups
actively advance the cause of media freedom.
In general terms, currently there is less pro-freedom of the press activism, which
has a lot to do with the situation of institutional weakness in which MISAMoçambique has found itself in the last three to four years. The National Forum
of Community Radios (FORCOM) has done important work in defence of radio
and its partners; but freedom of the press includes all media and not only a
segment of it.
In the last two years, there is a ‘Response Commission’, created by IREX, which
has done some work which is worthy of notice. But with the moribund MISAMoçambique and the SNJ formallly operational, but materially inactive, the cause
of freedom of the press is very poorly defended. With an independent media
being an essential pillar of democracy, the inverse of the status quo is even more
urgent. And we have to remember that the media of the public sector itself, in
terms of the CRM (number 5 of Article 48), give a guarantee of independence.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

3.1 (2005 = 1.9; 2007 = 1.1; 		
2009 = 2.8; 2011 = 2.8)

1.11 Media legislation evolves from meaningful
consultations among state institutions, citizens and
interest groups.
Media legislation indeed is the result of a consultation process between relevant
and/or interested parties. In fact, at times, the feeling seems to be that these are
done excessively, and as a result the processes which should take less time end
up taking an eternity.



Select target paragraph3