30/2001 of October 15 (Operating Standards of Public Administration), Law
No. 14/2011, of August 10 (Law of Administrative Procedure) and Law number
22/2009 of September 28 (Consumer Protection Law) ; but access to these by
citizens and the media does not seem to be facilitated.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

3.6 (2005 = 1.0; 2007 = 1.4; 		
2009 = 1.6; 2011 = 1.6)

1.8 Websites, blogs and other digital platforms are not
required to register with, or obtain permission, from
state authorities.
There is no imposition of registration, nor a need to obtain permission from
the State authorities. However, two weeks after the popular demonstrations of
Sepotember 1 and 2 in 2010, the Government, through the Minister of Transport
and Communications, decided, by means of a Ministerial Order number 153/2010
of September 15 – that it was compulsory for all mobile telephone operators
to register the Subscriber Identity Modules (SIM Cards) of their customers, in
number 2 of which, in its final part, states this must be done “... within a period
of two months from publicaiton of the present Ministerial Order, at the end of
which period they are blocked”.
Even if there were no requirement to register websites, blogs and other digital
platforms, including Facebook and Twitter, it should be considered that such
platforms are supported by mobile telephones, particularly by young people, and
it could be argued that, to a certain extent, the Government has to ‘monitor’
those who criticize it by using such instruments. That is why, in one of his criticism
to those who use social networks for this prupose, the PR Armando Guebuza
said, in March 2012, at a closing session of a major meeting of the Organization
of Mozambican Youth (OJM), the youth wing of the Frelimo party “ Facebook is
a platform of unattainable dreams”.



Select target paragraph3