and legislation for a fair sharing of State advertising, with it being considered the
largest advertiser and basic advertising for the sustainability of the media.
The fact of CSO’s which work with activism being not very active, for example MISAMoçambique, being in a situation of institutional weakness, can be considered
another reason for the environment which is conducive to infringements of
freedom of the press and freedom of expression. Notwithstanding that there are
some institutions which have done some work, for example the National Forum
of Community Radio (FORCOM), with important work in defence of radios; and
IREX, an American organization which has implemented a Programme for the
Strengthening of the Media in Mozambique which set up a ‘Response Committee’
for cases of violation of the freedom of the press.
With regard to access to the media in Mozambique, the significance of electronic
communication media must be highlighted, in particular Rádio Moçambique
which covers almost the whole country and broadcasts in the majority of national
languages, in addition of the working community and commercial radios, in many
districts of the Country. In turn, televsion continues to be accessible only in the
main urban centres, mostly due to the cost of access to electricity which is still
largely limited for rural districts and regions of the country. The print media are
the least accessible, with most distribution in the capital of the country, Maputo,
and very little in provincial capitals, almost none in the districts.
In general, the quality of the news content published in communication media, on
various topics about society, is still not satisfactory, particularly regarding matters
associated with politics, as well as the exposure of poor government practices.
There are various reasons for this. The first is associated with the public press,
both written and broadcast, which is not adequately protected against political
interference. Secondly, with all media, there is an unbalanced representation of
women, when compared to men, as sources of news as well as the subjects of
positive stories; in association with this fact is the lack of effective consideration
and integration of television programmes for persons with special needs. The
limited resources which are required for the work of investigative reporting, as
well as local problems and matters, mean that events and happenings in Maputo
and the provincial capitals in which the main means of communication of the
country are situated take precedence.
In addition to the previous points is the consideration of ethical issues and the
quality of professionalism which still continues as well as a key challenges for
the quality of the content. Although there is a Journalistic Code of Conduct in
Mozambique, approved in 2012, by the National Union of Journalists (NUJ), as
a self-regulatory instrument, in addition to others like the Code of Conduct for
Electoral Coverage, institutionalized also as a self-regulatory instrument, in 2008
by MISA-Moçambique and NUJ ; both endorsed by almost all the main media
bodies of the country; the application of these instruments is still not effective. On
the other hand, from the point of view of self-regulation, there is no mechanism,



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