1. Safety of journalists key to access to
information for all- 4 May 2020
Discussion focused on the threats to the safety and
security of journalists in Zimbabwe broadly and
more specifically during the COVID-19 pandemic in
Zimbabwe. This was in commemoration of World Press
Freedom Day. On day of reporting, the discussion had
2,700 views on the Open Parly ZW Facebook page.
2. Cybersecurity and Data Protection Bill:
Implications on media freedom
A discussion was also held on the 21st of May 2020,
discussing the implications of the Cybersecurity and
Data Protection Bill on media freedom in Zimbabwe.
On the day of reporting, this discussion had 2,500
views on the Open Parly ZW Facebook platform.
Clause by clause : Cybersecurity and Data Protection
On the 9th of June 2020 another online discussion
was conducted which focused on the Cybersecurity
and Data Protection Bill through OpenParly ZW. This
was a clause by clause discussion on the Bill by MISAZimbabwe Legal and ICT Policy Officer. On the day
of reporting, the online discussion had 7,400 views.
3. Journalism in Covid-19 times
This discussion focused on the challenges that
journalists in Zimbabwe were facing during
Covid-19. MISA Zimbabwe detailed the increase in
media violations which included arrests, detention,
harassment, and assault of journalists. This was
stemming from the fact that journalists had not
been specifically mentioned as providers of essential
service, and were being accused of violating lockdown
regulations although this was later rectified through
an amendment. The other issues also pertained to
the use of expired accreditation cards which had



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