COVID-19 Information Platforms
MISA Zimbabwe also in partnership with Community Radio Harare (CORAH) created online and
offline channels as mediums to share translated local information on COVID-19.
Messages were translated into 14 local languages while a Sign Language video was also produced
during the period under review.
To date, the facebook page, Covid Coalition Zw, has a reach of 80, 000, 1,093 page views and
The WhatsApp groups have 35 representatives from various Community Based Organisations
(CBOs) and Faith Based Organisations (FBOs) dotted around Zimbabwe.
Shona and English bulk short messages were sent to a total of 49,936 and 49,812 people respectively.


Harrassment of journalists

MISA Zimbabwe filed an application with the High Court for an order barring the police from
arresting and harassing journalists following the inception of the COVID-19 regulations in March
High Court judge Justice Manzunzu ordered the police and other law enforcement agencies charged
with enforcing the COVID-19 lockdown not to arrest, detain or interfere “in any unnecessary
way” with the work of journalists.
The number of arrests and attacks against journalists declined relatively following the court ruling.

Dissemination of critical information on COVID-19

MISA Zimbabwe approached the courts seeking an order to compel the government to release
critical information on COVID-19.
The High Court ruled in MISA Zimbabwe’s favour and ordered the government to periodically
release information in all languages recognised by the Constitution.


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