Regional & Global Lobby
and Advocacy
MISA Zimbabwe made submissions to the 66th
Ordinary Session of the African Commission
on Human and Peoples Rights on the media
freedom and freedom of expression operating
environment in Zimbabwe. MISA Zimbabwe
expressed its concerns with the increasing
number of attacks on media workers and the
deteriorating safety and security environment for
journalists in the course of the implementation
of the COVID-19 regulations.
Subsequently, the ACHPR raised alarm at
the deteriorating human rights situation in
Zimbabwe, particularly the arbitrary arrests
and detention of journalists and women human
rights defenders.
Among other issues, the ACHPR condemned
reports of human rights violations in Zimbabwe,
including violations of rights to freedom of
expression, association and assembly.
The Commission called on the Government
of Zimbabwe to ensure that measures taken
by its law enforcement agents do not lead to
violations of fundamental rights and freedoms,
including expression, association and assembly.
The ACHPR also called on the government to
guarantee protection of the rights of human
rights defenders, political activists, journalists,

health care workers and other peaceful
protestors, including from arbitrary arrest
and detention.

Cybersecurity and Data
Protection Bill
Following the gazetting of the Cybersecurity
and Data Protection Bill and the subsequent
parliamentary public hearings into the proposed
laws, MISA Zimbabwe through its regional and
international networks and allies mobilised
international organisations such as Facebook
and Google to share their experiences and best
practice on internet regulation.
Resultantly, the organisations wrote to the
government and parliament directly highlighting
their conerns on the security centric approach
and bias as contained in the provisions of the
Bill. They presented their experiences based
on other jurisdictions and best practices.
Further, global institutions such as IFEX,
Pen International, Privacy International and
AFEX Africa petitioned both the parliament
of Zimbabwe, Southern Africa Development
Community; Africa Union, United Nations
and World Bank, highlighting concerns on the
Bill’s potential to compromising the right to
expression, privacy and access to information
through the Bill.


Among other issues, the ACHPR condemned reports of human rights violations in Zimbabwe,
including violations of rights to freedom of expression, association and assembly.



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