Our programming was organised into five programme areas which are:

Campaign for Freedom of Expression and the Right to Information

Promotes legal reform and the introduction of new legislation to improve the protection and
implementation of media freedom and the right to information.

Media Freedom Monitoring

Monitors media freedom violations and developments and issues action alerts. Provides MISA
with an important advocacy platform.

Campaign for Broadcasting Diversity

Promotes an open system of broadcasting licensing, editorial independence and the introduction of
a three-tier system of broadcasting comprising public, commercial and community broadcasting.

Media Support

Aims to promote and enhance media accountability and professionalism. Seeks to create awareness
of the need for a code of ethics and self-regulatory bodies. Also promotes professionalism in the
media through media training initiatives.

Legal Support

Provides funds under the Media Defence Fund, for legal assistance to media practitioners and
institutions with the aim of protecting freedom of expression.


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