Head of State and President of
Zambia.” He added that although
Pilato was not a member of ZAM,
his association found the song politically vindictive, judgmental and
one that fostered character assassination, political hostility and division in the country. Reacting to the
song which had already gone viral
on social media platforms, Central
Province PF youth’s chairperson
Moses Chilando branded the song
insulting, provocative, degrading
and outside the province of one’s
entitlement to freedom of expression.

14 December 2017

A report in The Mast alleged that
National Democratic Congress
consultant and expelled PF Roan
Member of Parliament Chishimba
Kambwili had sued the Daily Nation and its proprietor Richard
Sakala in the Lusaka High Court for
defamation. Quoting a statement
of claim filed in the principal registry on 11 December, Kambwili
stated that the Daily Nation newspaper number 1778 of 26 September 2017 and issue number 1784
of 3 October 2017 published false
and malicious articles captioned
“Kambwili Implicated in US$4m
Mongu Stadium Deal” and “Kambwili Arrest Ordeal”.

17 December 2017

PF cadres stormed the premises of
5FM radio station in Lusaka during
the airing of a radio programme
featuring NDC Consultant and
PF Roan MP Chishimba Kambwili. The cadres are said to have
smashed cars and deflated tyres of
vehicles belonging to the NDC officials.

18 December 2017

The online news publication News
Diggers! went to print on 18 December, providing citizens with an
additional national newspaper.

18 December 2017

During an interview satirical singer
Chama Fumba aka Pilato said he
received threatening phone calls,
messages and videos on a daily
basis, for the song he released
on 11 December dubbed koswe
mumpoto. According to the artist,
even though the song was not targeted at the ruling Patriotic Front,
it seemingly annoyed the ruling
party’s leaders and its members.

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