month long closure. In 2016 the
Independent Broadcasting Authority suspended the broadcasting
license for Komboni Radio for alleged professional misconduct.

28 March 2017

Suspected political party supporters allegedly assault two journalists, Silumesi Malumo from Radio
Phoenix and Prisca Banda of Millenium Radio, at the United Party for
National Development (UPND)
secretariat after police prohibited
a press conference scheduled that

29 March 2017

Armed police were deployed at
ZNBC to stop the continuance of
a sit-in by employees which had
started four days earlier over delayed salaries.

2 May 2017

Ahead of World Press Freedom
Day, the Minister of Information
and Broadcasting Services, Kampamba Mulenga, said government
remained committed to a free, independent and professional media
in deepening the country’s democracy and development. She added
that the Patriotic Front administration will continue creating a conducive environment for the media
to flourish.

29 May 2017

The Judiciary banned the media
from taking photographs in courts
and using explicit language in
their reportage. In a statement released on 29 May, the Judiciary

said it was concerned that some
journalists from different sections
of the media and public had been
taking photographs and videos
of proceedings inside the court

24 June 2017

In the continued pursuit and fight
to sustain press freedom, MISA
Zambia intervened to save 29 radio
stations from facing the Independent Broadcasting Authority’s wrath.
MISA Zambia engaged IBA in
finding a solution to the issue surrounding the 29 radio stations that
were at risk of losing their operating licenses due to non-payment
of operational fees to the authority. Research on this issue suggests
that some of these radio stations
has already paid their operational
fees and some media expert suggest that these could be the radio
stations offering different views to
those in support of the party and
its government.

9 July 2017

The Lusaka premises of privately
owned newspaper The Daily Nation were petrol bombed. Only
one of the three petrol bombs that
were thrown into the premises by
an attacker exploded, resulting in
a blaze a few metres from the offices’ main entrance. There were
no injuries to staff or damage to
property recorded. Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services, Mulenga Kampamba condemned the attack as an evil act
carried out to silence the newspaper. He cited the Daily Nation as a
credible newspaper that speaks for
the voiceless and which the public
rely on for information.

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