A training workshop of MISA Information and Advocacy offers in
Johannesburg, South Africa, from April 23 to 27, 2002 was
conducted. The training focused on international human rights
mechanism employed in media monitoring, analytical skills in
media monitoring and alert writing, standardisation and common
classification of action alerts and information technology tools
that can be utilised for linking the alert system with website
and e-mail functions.
A leadership training for women media managers was undertaken in
August 2002 for 2 days before the MISA AGM, thereby empowering
women for leadership roles in the media. Three of the trained
women were selected to chair some sessions of the AGM, providing
them with an immediate opportunity to exercise they newly
acquired skills.
The MISA RGC and TFB met 3 times during the period under review
as they continued to give policy direction to the organization.
The MISA AGM was held in Maputo, Mozambique in August 2002 and as
usual, continued to guide the other organs in mapping the
direction MISA should take in its mandate to advocate for media
freedom and freedom of expression in the region.


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