Programme E: Legal Support Activity
The Media Legal Aid Fund in MISA Malawi is handling a case from
The Nation newspaper journalist Mc Donald Chapalapata who was
assaulted by the Financial Controller of the National Food
Reserve Agency Mr Paul Chimenya.
The reporter had asked Mr Chimenya to comment on allegations that
he had awarded a contract to his own company. In the process of
the interview, Mr Chimenya got angry and assaulted the journalist
who suffered bodily harm and had to go to the hospital for
treatment. Mr Chimenya also smashed the reporter’s cellphone as
well as dictaphone.
The Media Legal Aid Committee has already hired a lawyer who has
commenced legal proceedings against Mr Chimenya. The matter is in
The work of the Media Legal Aid Fund is being appreciated among
media houses and media practitioners. The fact that the fund is
handling two cases is a testimony that journalists would like to
make use of the fund, which has been established for their
Although there is a strong committee to handle cases brought
before it, some media organisations seem not to take advantage of
the legal fund to sue those who violate the rights of the media
or harass journalists.
For example, when a member of parliament manhandled a reporter
from The Nation newspaper the expectation was that the reporter
would seek redress using the legal fund. However, the newspaper
management decided to discuss the issue with the reporter and not
to take any legal action against the MP.
The major challenge is to make journalists and media houses come
out in the open and take legal action against those who violate
their rights.
The MLDF intends to put the information on a brochure and
circulate it widely among media practitioners and media houses to
arouse profound interest for them not to suffer in silence, but
to use the legal aid fund.
NAMISA will also encourage media houses and journalists to use
the fund whenever their rights are violated.
In Zambia, the groundwork for the fund has already been done.
The remaining part is for the NGC to resolve on the establishment
of the Fund and forward to the Registrar of Societies (Ministry
of Home Affairs) as a notice that the LDF has been established
and the headquarters to inject funds in order to open a separate


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