practically all the leaders of political parties, NGOs, the
clergy and journalists.
3. Good governance programme
Like the Face the media programmes the Good governance Radio
programmes are meant to make those that govern accountable to the
These programmes are also aired on 10 community and commercial
Radio Stations in Zambia and are sponsored by Ireland Aid.
4. Independent Media Council
Under the Independent Media Council so far eight complaints have
been brought before the council.
Three of them have so far been
successfully dealt with. They included complaints from two
cabinet ministers.
Under the same umbrella ZIMA is running a television chart show
called the “Media and the Public”. This is a Phone-in programme
and has proved to be very popular easily making it one of the
flagships of ZIMA.
The Zambia Independent Media Association (ZIMA) has been
conducting courses on how to improve journalistic skills among
media practitioners without looking at the business side of the
media industry.
This “negligence” may have contributed to the
closure of many publications.
To assist the media ZIMA
organised for the first time a workshop on accounting and
In order for maximum impact those in finance were
joined by their who most of them have no or little idea of
finance matters on managers how to run media as a business.
Participants drawn from 17 institutional members of ZIMA were in
attendance at the workshop.
The main purpose of which was to
equip participants with accounting and management skills.
workshop was held for three days starting February 24 to 26, 2003
and was held at Ndeke hotel in Lusaka.
All together 30 people
from institutions participated in the workshop.
MISA Zimbabwe organised a training workshop on Peace Reporting in
Kadoma on 4-5 October, 2002. 30 journalists mostly from small and
community publications attended the workshop that was conducted
by local facilitators.
Another training workshop organised by MISA Zimbabwe for advocacy
committee members in Kariba was held on 20 – 22 September. The
training programme focused on how they could go about the
business of mobilizing communities so that issues of the media,
access to information and freedom of expression are publicised
and addressed. The committees were also taken on their paces on
what advocacy is all about.
MISA offers a scholarship exchange programme that is facilitated
at the Regional Secretariat I Windhoek. The programme assists


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