Programme D: Media Support Activities:
Enhancing Media Accountability and Professionalism
D1. Significant activities was undertaken under this programme.
The MISA activities towards self-regulation in the region has
produced good results.
In Botswana the process culminated in the establishment of a
Press Council, the
Botswana Press Council which was registered in October 2002.
After few months in
operation, the Minister of Communications Science and Technology
tasked the
Press Council and MISA to revise the Mass Media Bill and to come
up with a
better Bill that would create an enabling media environment.
D2. MISA Namibia launched a Code of Ethics and appointed the
first-ever Media Ombudsman, who was introduced to the public and
other stakeholders at World Press Freedom Day activities on May
3, 2002. At this occasion MISA Namibia urged government to
recognise this initiative by the media and use this channel as a
media regulatory body rather than set-up its own.
For the first time ever, MISA Namibia was given a platform on
national television where the question of the necessity of a code
of ethics was discussed during a panel discussion. The response
from the public was generally enthusiastic, which only served to
underscore the fact that the media in Namibia needs a set of
standards or principles within which to operate. What remains now
is to see how the Code will be enforced.
The other problematic area is how to bring the dissenting media
practitioners to take ownership of the need for the media to
regulate itself through a code of ethics.
During this period in 2002,the pilot phase of the Media
Monitoring Project was completed. The project monitored, over a
set timeframe, the standard of journalism of both the print and
electronic media in state and privately-owned media.
A report of the findings was compiled and widely distributed to
It was well-received and emphasised the need for such a project
in order to ensure the media industry becomes and remains aware
of its shortcomings and hopefully take appropriate action to
redress the imbalances.
D3. In Swaziland, MISA facilitated a successful self-regulation
campaign in
conjunction with the Editor’s Forum, which resulted in the
drafting of a


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