C5. In Tanzania the issue of media ownership in Tanzania has been
hotly debated and it has been referred to media owners as it is
seen as an investment policy matter as well.
Awareness raising for public and policy makers on the African
Charter on Broadcasting in order to trigger discussion on the
Charter, formulate and lobby for policy that is wanted was held
in Zanzibar. The Zanzibar Broadcasting Commission was also
represented in the workshop. The workshop drew together 38
participant showing the importance of the workshop and the need
for more advocacy work. The deliberations made were very useful
for the Chapter’s future plans.
C6. In Zambia the major objective was to campaign for the
establishment of an Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) and
amendment of the Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC).
The same methods used for the establishment of the Freedom of
Information bill were used for the above bills.
The first part of the project concentrated on lobbying
Parliamentarians from both the ruling Movement for Multi- party
Democracy (MMD) and the opposition. It was essential for the MPs
to be empowered with adequate information for informed debate in
parliament. The public, through radio, television and newspapers
were also sensitised on the IBA Act alongside distribution of
fliers discussing independent broadcasting regulation. Field
visits to broadcast operations were also conducted to explain the
new legislation and how it would affect them.
The collapse of the private members’ initiative resulting room
the speaker’s decision to disallow the three bills provided an
opportunity for the government of gazette their own bills, whose
contents were largely adopted from the private bills.
Collectively, the Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) and
Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC) Amendment bills,
after extensive amendments that were presented by ZIMA and its
partners, to Parliament, went through the committee stage on
December 18, 2002 and were signed by the President, Levy
Mwanawasa, on December 31, 2002.
Under the new Independent Broadcasting Authority Act No. 17 of
2002 and ZNBC (Amendment) Act No. 20 of 2002 respectively, the
board members of both the IBA and ZNBC will be appointed by the
Minister on recommendation from the appointments committees,
subject to ratification by the national assembly.
In addition,
ZNBC will now collect license fees while licensing and regulatory
powers have been transferred from the minister to the IBA.
The campaign was spearheaded by ZIMA in conjunction with the
Press Association of Zambia (PAZA), Society of Senior Journalists


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