Programme C: Campaign for Broadcasting Diversity
C1. 2003 saw significant consolidation in the broadcast program
with a pressing need for a review and overhaul of campaign
resources and outputs including policy material, information
available on the website and dissemination strategy to support
national campaigns for broadcast diversity. Some of the resources
produced during the period under review include:
1. The MISA Media Advocacy Tool Kit which contains a 4-day
curriculum work book and facilitators guide as well as
numerous campaign ideas and resources packaged in an
attractive carry case. The kit was introduced at a trainers
workshop where two trainers from each MISA country were
taken through a methodology for delivering the advocacy
course in countries. MISA Chapters and other civil society
organisations will be able to call upon these trainers to
facilitate campaign development in response to national
2. The advocacy curriculum was also adapted and delivered as
part of an Africa wide project to develop ICT policy
campaigns in the lead up to the World Summit on the
Information Society. To date this has been delivered to
over 80 participants from African countries in training
courses held in Uganda, Johannesburg and Addis Ababa.
3. Campaign for Broadcast Diversity Policy Kit contains
booklets on regulation, public service broadcasting,
community radio and supporting posters that provide an
overview of the fundamental characteristics of each aspect
of the broadcast environment. The material is packaged in a
folder that is versatile and can carry additional items for
specific events.
MISA, SABA and FES held a closed door meeting of regional
regulators and broadcasters that reached an agreement on the four
principle documents that provide the framework for the broadcast
environment in the region. This has created a space to audit SADC
countries compliance with these standards in order to determine
what is required in each context to bring countries into
conformity with the agreed framework. The four key documents
examined at the gathering are:
- SADC Protocol on Culture, Information and Sport;
- African Charter on Broadcasting
- SADC Declaration on Information and Communications
- Declaration of Principles on Freedom of Expression in
Africa adopted by the African Commission on Human and
People’s Rights.


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