Both MISA’s Regional Secretariat and the chapters produced a range of materials to increase the visibility of the
organisation and promote relevant media events. Such materials included pop-up banners for different occasions,
folders for the annual general meeting (AGM) and other meetings, campaign T-shirts, pens, compact discs on various issues including the right to information and women’s coverage during the Zimbabwe elections.
A high volume of press releases and communiqués were sent out by MISA, both at regional and national levels
(see details Media Freedom Monitoring). To monitor the coverage that MISA receives on these issues and how the
organisation is used as a source on issues of media freedom and freedom of expression, an online media coverage
tracking system called Meltwater was put in place. The system shows that over the past year MISA was covered
more than 500 times in the local and international press. This coverage generally reflected the organisation’s media
freedom alerts, activities, events, press statements and communiqués.
The inauguration of the European Union joining the MISA basket fund partners and the launch of the book Women
Journalists in Namibia’s Liberation Struggle (1985-1990) by the Regional Secretariat increased coverage of MISA in
Namibia substantially.
Throughout the year, each of the chapters held events and launches for various publications, which increased the
organisations’ visibility and helped to keep media freedom and freedom of expression issues on the public agenda.
The events were covered by the mainstream print and broadcast media.
MISA Zambia also continued to sponsor the Face the Media programme, which is broadcast on community radio
stations and the national broadcaster, the ZNBC. This programme invites key policymakers to answer questions from
the public on matters of national concern.

Annual Report 2009


Select target paragraph3