Parliamentary debates on the Bill should be further guided by the United Nations Sustainable
Development Goal (SDG 16), which outlines initiatives to adopt and implement
constitutional, statutory and/or policy guarantees for public access to information.
It is MISA Zimbabwe’s well-considered view that a democratic access to information law
underpinned by requisite infrastructure and technology development is key to unlocking the
country’s socio-economic potential. This is critical when viewed against SDG 2 on
investment in rural infrastructure and technology development to build knowledgeable and
informed societies.
Access to information and knowledge, free expression (online and offline), respect for
cultural and linguistic diversity and quality education for all, are key pillars in building
knowledge societies.
According to the United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO),
adoption of democratic freedom of and/access to information laws, has been a global trend
during the last 10 years. As of 2019 more than 120 countries had put in place the required
access to information legal frameworks. Zimbabwe cannot, therefore, continue to lag behind
other progressive nations.
While the alignment of media, freedom of expression and access to information with the
country’s supreme law has been outstanding for years, the crux of such initiatives should be
underpinned by implementation and adherence to the constitution and the dictates of the
envisaged laws.
This entails creating the democratic space for the enjoyment of fundamental rights and
curbing the unlawful arrests and harassment of citizens exercising their constitutionally
guaranteed rights by bringing perpetrators to account.
Cases such as the reported assault and abduction of BUSTOP TV comedienne Samantha
Kureya by unidentified armed men from her home in Harare’s high-density suburb of
Mufakose, only serve to dent the country’s human rights record.
The armed and masked men reportedly forced their way into the house around 10 pm and
assaulted Kureya’s family members as well, including minors. Her brother filed a police
report at Marimba Police station. The report number is RRB 4149688.


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