
What were the developments in the media
environment in the last three/four years?
Positive Developments

The establishment of the Swaziland Communications Commission has
brought about some positive changes, including easing the process of
applying for broadcasting licences.


The establishment of broadcasting regulations for the issuing of licences.


The appointment of the new Director of Information and Media Development,
who has come up with initiatives aimed at media development and has
provided for more consultation with the media (in comparison to previous


The formation of the media consortium, which seeks to advocate on various
media issues, particularly those related to the working conditions of media


The ongoing stakeholder consultations on the Broadcasting Bill have been
very inclusive and the ministry is making a positive effort in this respect. The
Broadcasting Bill Initiative network has been formed to drive the process


The granting of university scholarships by the government for students
studying journalism. This will increase access to these programmes and
enhance the quality of the media workforce.

Negative Developments



The escalating brutality and increased number of attacks against journalists.


Corruption levels in the media are on the increase: this needs to be addressed
urgently lest the media becomes wholly captured.


Self-censorship remains at a high level, compromising the independence of
the media and the quality of the content produced.


The decline of the SNAJ, the Editors Forum and other professional media
bodies is concerning and requires redress as a means of uniting the media
on key issues.

What kind of activities are needed over the next
three/four years?


Law reform and advocacy around the implementation of media legislation
and the enactment of the Broadcasting Bill is critical. This advocacy needs
to be done in partnership between MISA Swaziland and civil society. It was
suggested that MISA convene a stakeholder engagement with civil society
actors who are supposed to be active on media issues. It was also suggested
that a test case is developed as a strategic advocacy tool in this regard.


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