On the whole, panellists agreed that the various media associations and the
union are in need of introspection to mend the issues that exist internally and
that more needs to be done to sensitise journalists and other media practitioners
on the importance of these entities.
One panellist questioned, ‘What is the awareness of media practitioners of their
rights, not as media professionals, but as workers?’ Another replied, ‘They are
aware, but appear to be unable to assert their rights. The awareness is there, but
there is also a prevailing fear. They may even be reporting on other labour issues
but there might be a dissociative thing where they think – “I’m not a part of it”.’
A panellist suggested the need for a council that deals with working conditions
in the country’s media houses. ‘There is a need for a serious and robust council
to deal with such issues, whereby even the owners of the media houses are
reprimanded for their illegal labour practices.’
With the assistance of MISA, a media consortium is currently being set up
which will lobby for better conditions and welfare for media practitioners.
‘It is still in its infancy, but we are making headway because we have already
been to the Ministry of Information, Communication and Technology and the
idea was welcomed and we have been encouraged to register it.’ To date, the
media organisations that are part of the consortium include MISA-Swaziland,
the Swaziland National Association of Journalists, the Swaziland Press Club
(SPC), the National Association of Development Programme Producers, the
Swaziland Independent Film and Television Producers Association, the Swaziland
Community Multimedia Network, the Media Workers’ Union of Swaziland and
the Arterial Network Swaziland.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:








1.5 (2005: 3.0; 2007: 3.6; 2009: 2.6; 2011: 2.2;
2014: 1.5)

Select target paragraph3