However, one ‘may run into roadblocks’ if there is information that the state
is trying to conceal. ‘In the absence of an Access to Information Act, it can be
difficult to get that information.’ To access files, 50 E (3.70 USD) must be paid at
the Receiver of Revenue, after which access to the file is available at the Registrar
of Companies. ‘But if the file has been removed, you can’t access it.’
In addition to getting ownership information at the Registrar of Companies,
the Books and Newspaper Act states that the name of the publisher should be
published within the publication.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:








4.2 (2005: n/a; 2007: n/a; 2009: n/a; 2011: n/a;
2014: 4.7)

2.5 Adequate competition legislation/regulation seeks
to prevent media concentration and monopolies
LeSwatini’s Competition Commission was established under the Swaziland
Competition Act of 2007, with its key mandate being ‘to monitor, regulate,
control and prevent acts or behaviour which are likely to adversely affect
competition in the country’.9
While different renditions of the proposed media policy have discouraged media
concentration, the policy is yet to come to light.
Some examples of concentration and monopoly in the media sector include:

The Times also owns a tourism newspaper which it distributes freely and is
seen to be monopolising the print media industry in this respect.


The state media dominates the broadcasting sector and little has been done
to promote competition in this sector.


The state presents the only example of cross-ownership, having interests in
both broadcasting and print media.

Despite the above examples, the Competition Commission has not made any
pronouncements in this regard and the media industry is not diversified enough
to effectively do so.


Section 11 (A) of the Swaziland Competition Act of 2007.


Select target paragraph3