Part of the reason for SNAJ’s ineffectiveness has been attributed to ‘divide and
rule issues’, whereby journalists are sceptical of being too critical towards the
state because they do not want to hurt their career prospects (the state has been
offering journalists jobs in the security forces, correctional services and police).
‘But some [are] willing to lose out and remain true to the profession.’
That said, some collaboration has taken place. Gender Links, for example, has
worked with MISA on gender and media monitoring projects.
On the whole, panellists agreed that more could and should be done by civil
society and media lobby groups to advance the cause of media freedom.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:








2.2 (2005: 2.1; 2007: 2.3; 2009: 2.2; 2011: 2.2;
2014: 2.5)

1.11 Media legislation evolves from meaningful
consultations among state institutions, citizens
and interest groups
Although the Standing Orders of the House of Assembly require that MPs consult
with their constituents on Bills, there seem to be no ‘mechanisms in play for this
consultation’. When consultations do take place, they are usually on what are
regarded as ‘soft issues’.
‘When it comes to legislation that can potentially control the masses, legislation
is just passed (without consultation). Minimal consultation or communication
take place with the public about submissions; for example, with the Elections
and Boundaries Commission laws to do with voting.’
Since the last AMB, panellists noted that there has been significant consultation
on the Sexual Offences and Domestic Violence Act, with discussions being
advertised and organisations from different parts of the country invited to make
With regards to media legislation, some consultation has taken place with the
incumbent Director of Information and Media Development at the Ministry of



Select target paragraph3