Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:






2.0 (2005: 1.0; 2007: 1.0; 2009: 2.0; 2011: 2.0;
2014: 1.1)

1.7 Public information is easily accessible, guaranteed
by law, to all citizens
Accessing public information in the Kingdom of eSwatini is not an easy task.
‘Getting public information from ministries and state agencies is very difficult.’
One panellist noted that this could be due to the fear public servants have to
release information even on government projects already in the public eye, due
to the Official Secrets Act.
The difficulty experienced by citizens and journalists alike in accessing national
census figures was cited as a key example.
The country does not have an Access to Information law. When an Access to
Information Bill was proposed, a push for protection of privacy law was instead
put forward. Public officials seem hesitant to share information. ‘Recently when
newly appointed MPs [members of parliament] and senators were called upon by
the attorney general to declare their assets, they made it clear that they were not
comfortable with doing so. They said, “No, why should we be forced to, because
they [the assets] belong to us.”’
The Register of Deeds is supposed to be accessible to the public but is currently
not, following the issuance of a directive by the prime minister stating that
journalists may not have access to it.
‘Some ministries have Communications Officers, but they can’t talk to the media.
So, the Communications Officer is essentially paid to do nothing because they
are not disseminating information. The principal secretary is always busy and
journalists are made to move from pillar to post to try to get information.’
It is also clear to journalists that certain information on public officials is deliberately
hidden from the public eye. For example, access to information regarding the
recent divorce of the eSwatini Revenue Authority Commissioner or about the



Select target paragraph3