To date, eSwatini has no Access to Information law. In addition, the development
of a Broadcasting Bill (which begun in 2007 and has seen at least three renditions
since then) remains stalled.
Furthermore, while the provisions in Section 24 (1) and (2) exist in the
constitution, several limitations to these freedoms exist. These include, amongst
others, the Proscribed Publications Act of 1968; the Books and Newspapers Act
of 1963; the Cinematography Act of 1920; and the Sedition and Subversive
Activities Act of 1938 – all of which stifle the media freedoms provided for in
the constitution. One panellist noted, ‘It is an observed practice by the courts
to further stifle media freedom through defamation judgements. They are very
restricting regarding how they define defamation and criminal defamation is still
on statutes.’
Panellists also pointed out that despite the constitutional provisions, freedom
of the media has come into question. The late-2017 closure of the newspaper,
Swaziland Shopping, was highlighted as a case in point. ‘There was a newspaper
[called] Swaziland Shopping. One week it published something the authorities
didn’t like and the next [week], it was closed down.’

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:










2.4 (2005: 1.5; 2007: 2.1; 2009: 2.1; 2011: 2.3;
2014: 19)

1.2 The right to freedom of expression is practised and
citizens, including journalists, are asserting their
rights without fear
Panellists were in general agreement that the practise of the right to freedom
of expression is highly constrained in the kingdom, with both citizens and the
media finding it difficult to assert this right without fear.
‘Broadly, there is a lot of fear. When it comes to freedom of expression, what has
cemented silence is that we have real life examples of reprisals faced by citizens
and journalists when they speak out. People have been arrested and people will
be cautioned.’



Select target paragraph3