Harare word cloud

Johannesburg word cloud
As can be noted from the above world clouds, there were different perceptions on what AI entails. In Bulawayo most participants believed AI meant doom and job replacements.
In Harare the general view was on how AI was affecting the type of information that is shared, with misinformation disorders being raised.
In Johannesburg the general sentiment was how AI was impacting lives as one notes words like automation and turmoil in the word cloud. The meaning and uptake of AI varies from region to region and there
was no uniformity in the answers received.
The discussions also addressed who the main sources of information are, how to address issues around
disinformation, who uses AI in the region and what it is used for. The first draft report of this study is expected In January 2024.
Recommendations and way forward

Africa needs to play a role in the setting of algorithms that make use of our data to ensure
are languages are acknowledged and preserved.
More capacity building needs to be done around AI as it will affect Africans in one way or
the other.


MISA Zimbabwe Annual Report 2023

Select target paragraph3