d) The management of the ZNBC was reported to have fired its human resource director,
Zebina Kaonga for refusing to effect transfers and dismissals of unionised employees
perceived to be opposition National Democratic Congress sympathisers.43

Unfortunately, there was no official confirmation or comment from ZNBC management,
but The Mast reported that ‘sources’ within ZNBC stated that the human resource director
was fired on 24 November 2017 for refusing to effect transfers of Zambia Union of
Broadcasters and other Information Disseminators (ZUBID) president, Mr Chomba
Yumbe and finance secretary, Mr Tom Njovu to Livingstone from Lusaka.

e) The National Democratic Congress consultant, Mr Chishimba Kambwili sued the Daily
Nation and its proprietor, Mr Richard Sakala in the Lusaka High Court for defamation. The
suit arose from an article published in the Daily Nation edition of 3 October 2017 headlined
“Kambwili implicated in US$4m Mongu Stadium deal” and “Kambwili arrest ordeal.”

f) On 14 December 2017 suspected cadres of the Patriotic Front attacked Mr Chishimba
Kambwili and Mr Mwenya Musenge of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) who
were due to appear for an interview on 5FM Radio. Mr Musenge’s vehicle registration
No. BAC 2900 was badly damaged and windows of Radio 5FM premises were broken in
during the attack. The attack was to block Mr Kambwili from featuring on the 5FM
Radio programme, ‘Burning Issue’44 as a violation of their rights to freedom of
expression and media freedom.
Mr Charles Milupi, leader of Alliance for Democracy and Democracy described the attack
as ‘stupid’.45 In defence of the Patriotic Front, PF Lusaka Province Youth Chairperson


The Mast ZNBC fires HR Director for refusing to sanction questionable transfers, dismissals 28 November 2017
ToZ NDC spokesperson attacked 15 December 2017 p.2 The Mast online MISA condemns attack on 5FM, NDC
officials. 14 December 2017 DN NDC chief shoots to scare cadres 15 December 2017 p.6 The Mast Kill me if you
want - Kambwili 15 December 2017 p.7
The Mast “Its stupid for PF cadres to attack media, opposition – Milupi 17 December 2017 p.7 The Mast editorial
Attack on NDC and 5FM is barbaric, unacceptable p.4 17 December 2017


Select target paragraph3